Monday, October 15, 2012


Everyone can be hypocritical at times. However, these are just some of my personal faves when it comes to hypocrisy

People who are against gay marriage, but watch lesbian porn, like watching girls make-out... etc etc etc
People who are against gay marriage, but are adamant that cultures with arranged marriages are immoral. So it's wrong to force people to get married and they should be able to marry for love if they choose, but when two people do fall in love they shouldn't be able to? What?! This literally makes no sense.
People who click likes all over facebook about anti-bullying and RIP so and so but don't stop their friends from being total jerks to other people at school and such
People who say Top Model is stupid and take 2985798754398574 pictures of themselves.*
              *Never insult Tyra Banks in front of me.
People who cheat. Don't say "I luuuv you" and sleep around. False. Doucheberry.
Fit people who complain about fat, cellulite, etc in front of me. I want to live my life and eat my cheeseburgers. F*** you.

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