Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Presidential Debate

I'm not going to bore you with my political perspectives because quite frankly my dear, you probably don't give a damn. But I do have a few things to say about the debate. If you're looking for a controversial political argument about Romney hugging and Obama snuggling... you're in the wrong place. This is more of a debate skills critique.

A Previous Facebook Status:

"Juliet was THIRTEEN. THIRTEEN years old... When I was thirteen, I was crossing my fingers that there were pizza nuggets for lunch..." -- JennaMarbles on Romeo and Juliet. Well said my friend. And on that fun note: The debate. First off, BOTH candidates need to check their facts before their mouth opens like an old band-aid on Girls Gone Wild. They both made wrong accusations and factual mistakes.

 Secondly, if you go in thinking "Romney is a scum-sucking money hoarder" or "Obama is a tax vampire who feeds on the souls who made something of themselves in this country" You are literally getting NOTHING out of the debate. I'm not saying you shouldn't have an opinion, because that would be completely and utterly stupid. I'm saying that, regardless of who you think you're voting for, you should go into debates with an open mind and genuinely listen to each candidate. Otherwise, I don't want to hear any more about Romney's tax return, or Obama's birth certificate or Michelle's pencil skirts or how if Romney wins, we'll have sexiest VP in United States history. Okay? Okay.

I just wanted to elaborate on this and say that I was personally not impressed by either candidate at the debate. Obama... I don't even really know what you were trying to say because you were saying the ame thing repeatedly and whatever I don't even... No I just can't. Romney... Stahp. The interrupting is not only rude but distracting. Both of you: THERE ARE MORE THINGS TO THIS COUNTRY THAN TAXES. Yes, this is an issue, raising income over expenses IS important however, I DO NOT want to hear this stupid middle school girl middle class taxation argument. One sentence summary: Neither of you want to f*** with the middle class. the end. stop trying to blame each other for things neither of you are stupid enough to actually plan on doing... or at least I hope not... Oh dear.

Another debate critique: Enough with the personal propaganda stories! "I knew a woman... in Northern Wisconsin..." Excuse me? I don't care. Sorry random woman from N. Wisconsin. Everyone who's ever seen He's Just Not That Into You, or you know.. has A BRAIN knows that there are rules... and there are exceptions. How do we know if Mary Jane O'Connor Parzynockova III, a transvestite from St Louis, is a rule or an exception? (Rock on Mary Jane) Okay? so enough. I'm not trying to sound like a Utilitarian, but in this sense, you DO need to do the most good for the most amount of people. Your points may have been valid, but I'm too distracted by Bob Bellington Total Pants from Kansas and his smelting business to know what you're REALLY getting at... because you run out of effing time before you finish talking about how you're going to help the GREATEST AMOUNG of Bob Bellingtons in this country.

I'm me and I don't give a flying piece of sweet pork in space if anyone approves this message.

Tastefully Offensive, Stay Classy


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